Member & User Benefits
The TSGA is offering quality check services for all kinds of data that needs to be exchanged for business, such as tariffs and timetables. It is aggregating all relevant reference data for all international mobility services in rail and notifying the companies of changes.
Our Partners
The TSGA has a solid working relationship with, amongst others
- the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA)
- the European Commission
- the International Union of Railways (UIC)
- RailNetEurope (RNE)
- IATA and

The TSGA services support a high level of quality, meeting the needs of the sector while keeping the passenger in the focus, closely connected to the CER Ticketing Roadmap. For more information on the CER Ticketing Roadmap, visit CER Ticketing Roadmap.
Benefits of Membership
Members are vital for data sharing, seamless experience for passengers and to become the main body for exchange of reference data.
Ultimately, the TSGA will be a data hub for all regulatory services and more, with an added value system for railway undertakings.
By joining the TSGA, railway undertakings will therefore:
- Join a ticketing initiative supported by the European Commission and the top management of leading railways.
- Show commitment to creating the Single European Railway Area.
- Take a leading role in managing regulatory services and business activities for railway data, distribution, and ticketing.
- Promote fair access to data.
- Get full voting rights in TSGA.
- Access TAP TSI regulatory and business services for free.
- Comply with European regulations and enjoy their benefits.
Service Status
Most TSGA services have been up and running since autumn 2019. New members will therefore get access to
- well-tested and
- well-maintained solutions
with an established roadmap for enhancements and further improvements.
In a nutshell, new members will be able to use the TSGA services without significant modifications to their own processes, systems and data processing architectures.
Thanks to the standardisation and consolidation of data and related services by the TSGA and thanks to the powerful, easy-to-connect-to API in place, users can enjoy the benefits of membership in a swift and uncomplicated way.