How To Become A Member

For a summary of the reasons for joining, please refer to the Membership & User Benefits section of our website.

Becoming a member is easy! Just fill-in this form ➹ and send it to our General Manager at

The General Manager will be in touch with you about the next steps.

Membership Registration Form

The General Manager
TAP TSI Services Governance Association (TSGA) AISBL
c/o CER, 53 Avenue des Arts, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Registration No.: 0673.899.877

Company Information

Authorised Representative of Company:

Membership Fees

TSGA Membership - Statutory provision

According to Art. 5 of TSGA Statutes, to become a Member of the Association, each Effective Member shall accept the Status of the Association and pay membership fee. Furthermore, legal entities shall own a separate legal personality and should not have been bankrupt or wound up by a competent Court or any other recognized authority.

Membership fees main principles - Internal Rules provision

According to Art. 15 of the TSGA Internal Rules of Procedures "1. TSGA Member shall provide funds to cover the TSGA annual budget; 2. TSGA Members other than the founding members should contribute to the budget as estimated in year 1 and repay the founding members."