
The TSGA platform is operational since September 2019 and includes the following major services:

While RRD, DQM, NS and RM are stipulated in the TAP TSI Regulation, the TSGA offers additional services that support the rail ecosystem and important functions such as the National Allocation Entities and location services related to Passengers with Reduced Mobility (PRM). Moreover, TSGA provides critical support to the rail sector’s and ticket vendors’ Open Sales and Distribution Model (OSDM) project, especially regarding location data. Lastly, the TSGA services are closely linked with the technical enablers for a seamless cross-European rail passenger experience as currently being developed by the rail sector under the CER Ticketing Roadmap initiative (

TSGA offers a powerful API, based on REST architecture, as a communication channel to interact with the above services. This makes it easy for users to integrate and synchronise the reference data with internal systems.

1. Retail Reference Data (RRD)

Import, create, link, search retail locations from various sources (e.g. UIC MERITS database, Common Reference Data, GTFS, …).

This service includes matching code lists with Common Reference Data (CRD) provided by the infrastructure managers and multimodal locations (airports, bus stops) provided by the connected sector organisations (airline sector, railway undertakings).

Retail locations are linked and synchronised with CRD locations.

In the picture it is described how matching between CRD and RRD is done:

The TSGA provides a tool to search locations and links. There is a secure, modern API for automatic updates and search/ download functionalities. Additionally, an interactive map is provided to show Retail, CRD and nearby locations.

The TSGA’s RRD services are open for additional multimodal locations. In fact, such locations are continuously being added.

2. Data Quality Management (DQM)

Loading and checking of timetables and tariffs based on a defined ruleset, indicating to the originator the correctness of the data.

This is a critical service to ensure railways’ and ticket vendors’ timetable and tariffs data are consistent and can be aligned on an ongoing basis.

3. Notifier Service (NS)

Allowing TSGA customers to be notified on triggers (e.g. new locations, successful check of timetable or tariff, ..). Any change of the Retail locations, timetables or tariffs is provided as a system-to-system or e-mail notification to the subscribers.

Subscribing to the TSGA notification service allows user to be actively informed on any changes as soon as they occur.

4. Report Monitor (RM)

Users can subscribe to various downloadable reports for RRD and DQM. This allows checking internal systems and location data against the requirements of the TAP TSI Regulation and documenting compliance with the regulation.

5. PRM Facilities @ Retail Locations

Facilities related to Passengers with Reduced Mobility (PRM) are added by the TSGA to Retail Locations.

For each Retail Location, the PRM facilities from the TAP TSI Code List (according to Technical Document B10) can be added. The PRM facilities are then interactively provided on the map. The Inventory of Assets as specified in the PRM TSI can be retrieved per station.

6. National Allocation Entity Functions

National Allocation Entities (NAE) role exists in the TSGA applications and is ready to be used. NAEs can efficiently work with the system and seamlessly integrate it into domestic systems.

NAE users can see, edit and maintain the retail locations of any NAE country. They can link the retail locations to the corresponding CRD location. This way, NAE users get all the notifications (location data change, timetable update, tariff update etc.) for an NAE country.

7. OSDM Stop Place Model

A special relationship has been established from the outset with the rail sector’s and ticket vendors’ flagship project “OSDM”. The Open Sales and Distribution Model (OSDM) aims at implementing a standardised sales interface for all actors involved in selling rail tickets. Since location data are key to such an undertaking, the TSGA has been actively involved in developing and maintaining the OSDM standard and in collecting the rail sales and distribution community’s pertinent requirements. For more information on OSDM, please visit

The OSDM model foresees “stop places” which fits the Retail Locations in TSGA. Additional records to the TSGA Retail location are Fare Connection Points, Points of Interest and Addresses. The Retail Locations already have the code (reference) and geo position features.

The TSGA therefore fits neatly with the requirements of the OSDM model, allowing railways and ticket vendors to be consistent in their retail location related features both in the regulatory and the non-regulatory context.